Risultato della ricerca - Cores

Warblade 1.32

Warblade 1.32 versione di prova 19949 

Warblade è un PC arcade shoot'em up gioco con focus sulla giocabilità molto buona. Una razza aliena sta invadendo la…

Beat Ball 2 1.2.0

Beat Ball 2 1.2.0 versione gratuita 15286 

Beat Ball 2 è il sequel tanto atteso del popolare Break-out / palla di battere il gioco in stile Arkanoid.…

Badaboom Media Converter 2.0

Badaboom Media Converter 2.0  4165 

Badaboom Media Converter takes a fundamentally different approach to vide transcoding. Instead of performing transcoding on the CPU, it harnesses…

MusICPot 1.0

MusICPot 1.0  3847 

All-in-one software tools for stage singing performance. Lyrics/music scores reader, audio sinced. Unlimited number of fully customizable repertorie lists. Every…

NoteWorthy Composer 2.75a.2

NoteWorthy Composer 2.75a.2  7256 

NoteWorthy Composer is our music notation software authoring tool for Windows. It allows you to create, record, edit, print and…

Crescendo Music Notation Editor Free 5.58

Crescendo Music Notation Editor Free 5.58 versione gratuita 3796 

Crescendo Free Music Notation Editing Software is perfect for composing original songs, music, scores, and soundtracks. The program features a…

Crescendo Plus 5.48

Crescendo Plus 5.48  3920 

Crescendo Plus Music Notation Editing Software is perfect for composing original songs, music, scores, and soundtracks. The program features a…

MagicScore Maestro 8.171

MagicScore Maestro 8.171  3938 

Compose, arrange and edit music with MagicScoreMaestro. This software is perfect for composers, arrangers, copyists, music teachers and students. MagicScore…

Intelliscore Ensemble MP3 to MIDI Converter 8.1.2

Intelliscore Ensemble MP3 to MIDI Converter 8.1.2  4926 

IntelliScore helps you figure out the notes, chord names and key present in multiple-instrument MP3, WAV, and other audio files…

Pizzicato Beginner 3.6

Pizzicato Beginner 3.6  3527 

Write, lay out, print and hear your music scores, for solo instruments as well as music groups up to 16…

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