Perdita di dati causati da omissione accidentale, la formattazione, crash del software, partizione, attacco di virus o altri motivi? Non…
Immissione manuale contatti consuma molto tempo e si tradurrà in errori di battitura. AddressGrabber è il modo più semplice e…
Mostra un menu per aprire uno dei tuoi file (o cartella o internet address). Menu di scelta rapida appare ('in…
ChrisPC Free Anonymous Proxy is a powerful software application with a friendly and ergonomic user interface that allows you to…
ChrisPC Anonymous Proxy Pro is the privacy tool that anybody would need to use to protect their online experience. The…
Automatically blocks IP addresses with hacking attempts on your windows server services (rdp, FTP, SQL-Server) using the Windows firewall. The…
Use Outlook Express Security to control access to Outlook Express and its databases. When it is active, Outlook Express becomes…
Control access to Outlook Express and its email message database. When you enable protection, the program disables access to the…
Malware is big and malware is bad. Your computer is constantly at risk from infection by malware including viruses, worms,…
Protects information such as files and folders, credit card numbers, passwords and more. Users of Privacy Optimizer can choose to…