Moo0 AudioPlayer will enable you to easily play your preferred music tracks. It is very small and simplified for easy use. If you are looking for a lightweight audio player, this may be the one for you. Also, it includes skins in various colors to suit your liking.
TagScanner is a multifunction program for organizing and managing your music collection. TagScanner has an elegant and orderly interface, and lets you preview filenames before applying changes. The only catch is that you'll need to spend some time learning the program's file- and tag-naming language. However, if you have thousands of music tracks crying out for organization, that's a small price to pay.
muso is a useful tool hat was designed in order to offer you a simple means of managing yor multimedia collection. muso is also an intuitive graphical user interface to allow you to browse your albums, tag them, filter them, and sort them in various flexible ways. muso provides an alternative front end to your music player and allows you to experience a more meaningful interaction with your music collection.
MovieFinderPro is a free software that allows users to search for, find, download and stream movies for free with no registration required. Full movie downloads & movie streaming are the main features of MovieFinderPro. Users will also be able to download TV shows and Netflix series as well as stream TV shows without buffering. MovieFinderPro does not contain spyware or adware but does contain non-invasive banner ads.
CaptureMAX allows you to broadcast still captures from your webcam to the Internet, record video with sound and compile time-lapse videos. Version 2.5 marks a milestone in webcam automation technology offering features such as remote access, internet dialer, motion detection, advanced scheduling options, multiple configuration profiles.
Video Watermark Subtitle Creator is an advanced and reliable application designed to enable you to watermark, split, join and convert your video files. It has a WYSIWYG WordArt effect editing system that can be used to create dynamic watermark and subtitle effects. It’s easy to use even for novices.
Jubler x64 is a tool to edit text-based subtitles. It can be used as an authoring software for new subtitles or as a tool to convert, transform, correct and refine existing subtitles. Furthermore, this application supports all the most popular subtitle formats.
1CLICK DVD COPY 5 is fast and easy-to-use software for copying DVD movies. This latest version now utilizes CPRx error correction technology to ensure the highest level of success copying the latest generation of DVD movies.Now you can make a perfect copy of a DVD movie with just one click. Unlike other software with complex settings, 1CLICK DVD COPY 5 can be used by anyone to make perfect copies of DVD movies.
This software offers a solution to users who want to convert SWF files to MP4 files. The user can specify a list of files or an entire folder to be processed. There is an option to create one joined MP4 file or an individual MP4 file for every SWF file. Using this time saving software, large numbers of SWFs can be converted with one click.
3ivx MPEG-4 is a mature industry standard video compression system which enables the transmission and storage of video, which would otherwise be too large to store or transmit. 3ivx MPEG-4 5.0.5 for Mac OS X consists of MPEG-4 Video and File Format components for authoring and playback of MPEG-4 media. Compared to Apple MPEG-4, 3ivx MPEG-4 5.0.5 encodes up to twice as fast, producing the same quality video at half the size.
Win7shell is a simple plugin for Winamp, that integrates it with the new taskbar of Windows 7. As you may know the taskbar offers lots of new features, which you can read about everywhere, including here. Why would you need this? The new taskbar features were designed to improve the convenience of the user, adding visible information and shortcuts where you need it, but Winamp doesn't take advantage of these. Until now.
GOM Media Player il lettore multimediale unico devi - gratis! Non solo è GOM Media Player un video player completamente gratuito, con il supporto integrato per tutti i più popolari formati video e Media Player, tonnellate di caratteristiche avanzate, possibilità di personalizzazione estrema, e il servizio di ricerca di Codec, GOM Media Player è sicuro di soddisfare tutte le vostre esigenze di riproduzione. Con milioni di utenti in centinaia di paesi, GOM Media Player è uno dei riproduttori video più popolari del mondo. Che cosa è nuovo: Caratteristica aggiunto "Touch Setting" per dispositivi touch screen. Caratteristica aggiunta di "Casella di ricerca" sulla playlist. (Ctrl + F) Supportato "URL HTTPS" per youtube o riproduzione radio netto. (Ctrl + U) Aggiunto "Musica tocca" su preferenze legate alla riproduzione di file musicali. Miglioramento delle prestazioni legata alla "velocità di Aggiungi & Elimina" dei file su playlist. Altre correzioni di varie, correzioni e modifiche
RealPlayer ha sempre permesso di giocare RealAudio (*. ra) e RealMedia (*. RAM) file. Scarica video da migliaia di siti Web con un solo clic costruire la propria libreria video e playlist riprodurre tutti i principale formati audio e video supporto Flash Video DVD, SVCD, VCD masterizzazione e video registrazione per uso personale di RealPlayer include CD audio masterizzazione funzionalità, DVR-stile la riproduzione multimedia, buffering ricerca, radio Internet, una libreria di file stile jukebox, un browser web incorporato (utilizzando Microsoft Internet Explorer)e la possibilità di trasferire file multimediali a un numero di dispositivi portatili, inclusi iPod di Apple, lettori MP3 e dispositivi Windows Media.
GOM è un lettore multimediale gratuito con audio popolare & codec video incorporato. Codec Finder GOM Player include molti codec (XviD, DivX, FLV1, AC3, OGG, MP4, H263 e più) quindi non avrete bisogno di installare codec separati per la maggior parte dei video. Per quei video che richiede un codec separato, GOM Player troveranno uno. Giocare consente la tecnologia brevettata di Broken AVI file (brevettato) GOM Player gli utenti per visualizzare i file con indici rotti o che ancora vengono scaricati. Potente supporta sottotitoli supporto GOM Player SMI, SRT, RT, SUB (con IDX) i file di sottotitoli. È anche possibile sincronizzare video e sottotitoli se c'è qualche incongruenza. Playlist conveniente se si esegue un file video e c'è già un file con un nome simile nella directory, verrà automaticamente aggiunto alla tua playlist. GOM Player è un formato simile di playlist M3U, PLS, ASX. Supporta diversi tipi di Media lungo con diversi formati quali AVI, MPG e MPEG, DAT, GOM Player inoltre supporta lo streaming formato Windows media (WMV, ASF, ASX). È anche possibile guardare video di qualità DVD con uscita audio 5.1 canali.