PREDATOR Professional x64 locks your PC when you are away, even if your Windows session is still opened. It uses a regular USB flash drive as an access control device. It's easier and faster than closing your Windows session, since you do not have to retype your password when you return.
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DecypherIT is a freeware utility, part of the award winning suite of products from Cypherix®. This utility allows you to decrypt the encrypted files generated by Cryptainer and Secure IT. It is very easy to use. Simply point to the location of the encrypted file and enter the password. That's it !. Click here to download DeCypherIT, a free utility from Cypherix®.
KeyScrambler defeats keyloggers by encrypting your keystrokes at the keyboard driver level, deep within the operating system. When the encrypted keystrokes reach your browser, KeyScrambler then decrypts them so you see exactly the keys you've typed. Keyloggers can only record the encrypted keys, which are completely indecipherable.
The #1 monitoring software that can be installed even if you don't have the admin privilege of target computer. It enables you to take screenshots in real-time, capture & review all chats and instant messages, record & review every web site, block any unwanted web sites and programs, review monitoring records anytime and anywhere via free E-mail report and much more.
Password Manager XP is a program that helps you to systematize any secret information stored on your PC. It will be your passwords and secrets keeper. Protect your private data with this password management utility.
PassWd Mgr is a tiny password management utility just 200k(approx.). It can generate and store several passwords in encrypted form with just one master password. So no need to remember several passwords or use one password for several websites just remember one master password and stay secure.
Cryptosystem ME6 is a Windows program which uses a symmetric key encryption system to encrypt information in either a single file or in multiple files (at once) so that it cannot be read by those not knowing the key. Data is encrypted using a key which is from 16 to 64 characters long, and which can be either a phrase or a sequence of 64 random bytes (the software provides a way for you to generate such random keys).
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xShredder was created as an accessible, user-friendly and very easy-to-use piece of software that can help you delete files, erase disks and keep your privacy safe. An user can create deletion tasks, overwrite the available free space or destroy disk drives with the help of this handy tool. The included file explorer allows the user to navigate and view all the files found on the system.
Iperius Backup è un software di backup free italiano, rilasciato anche in versione commerciale per chi necessita di funzioni di backup avanzate per la propria azienda. La versione freeware di Iperius Backup consente di fare il backup su qualsiasi dispositivo di archiviazione di massa, come NAS, dischi esterni USB, unità RDX, e computer in rete. Dispone di funzioni complete di schedulazione e di invio e-mail. Supporta la compressione zip senza limiti di dimensione, il backup incrementale, l’autenticazione in rete e l'esecuzione di script e programmi esterni.
Kaspersky Anti-Virus ti protegge dai siti di Phishing e Malware che altrimenti non sarebbe sai stavano tentando di rubare da voi. Allo stesso tempo, il Kaspersky Security Network consente al computer di relazione quando scopre una minaccia che non è stato visto prima. Tutti i 250 milioni di utenti di Kaspersky beneficio della nostra conoscenza! Kaspersky caratteristiche includono: protegge da virus, Trojan, worm, spyware, adware analizza i file, email e internet protegge Instant Messengers protegge da sconosciute minacce analizza il traffico e chiude le vulnerabilità di Internet Explorer Disabilita collegamenti a siti di malware / phishing sites monitoraggio globale minaccia (Kaspersky Security Network) blocchi tutti i tipi di keyloggers automatica Database aggiornamenti gratis supporto Nota tecnica: questa è una prova di 30 giorni commerciale.