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Software di sicurezza Scarica ora il software di sicurezza e applicazione gratuitamente. antivirus e antispyware
PartWord 2.0.0

PartWord 2.0.0 versione gratuita 3411 

A small application that helps you quickly answer the type of security questions where you are required to give certain letters of your password but not the whole password. It is particularly useful when used in conjunction with a password vault where you can cut & paste the full password into PartWord or supply it on the command-line. PartWord does not store, transmit, retain or divulge your password in any way. Source code is available.

PortTrigger 3.0.50

PortTrigger 3.0.50  3410 

Forwarding ports with PortTrigger is easy to setup, because you do not need to give every computer on your network a static IP address. You can continue using your router the way it is, without a major change to your network. When you run PortTrigger on your computer, your router knows immediately which computer you want to forward ports to.

iNinja VPN 2.14.4

iNinja VPN 2.14.4 versione gratuita 3410 

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SuperPutty Password Decryptor 3.0

SuperPutty Password Decryptor 3.0 versione gratuita 3410 

Free SuperPutty Login Password Recovery Software

Myspace Password Decryptor 5.0

Myspace Password Decryptor 5.0 versione gratuita 3409 

Myspace Password Recovery Software

Cryptosystem ME6 12.46

Cryptosystem ME6 12.46  3408 

Cryptosystem ME6 is a Windows program which uses a symmetric key encryption system to encrypt information in either a single file or in multiple files (at once) so that it cannot be read by those not knowing the key. Data is encrypted using a key which is from 16 to 64 characters long, and which can be either a phrase or a sequence of 64 random bytes (the software provides a way for you to generate such random keys).

Prey 1.9.4

Prey 1.9.4 versione gratuita 3408 

Prey lets you keep track of your phone or laptop at all times, and will help you find it if it ever gets lost or stolen. It's lightweight, open source software, and free for anyone to use. And it just works. You can quickly find out where your computer is located, who's using it, and what he's doing on it thanks to Prey's powerful reports system.

PassWd Mgr 1.0

PassWd Mgr 1.0 versione gratuita 3408 

PassWd Mgr is a tiny password management utility just 200k(approx.). It can generate and store several passwords in encrypted form with just one master password. So no need to remember several passwords or use one password for several websites just remember one master password and stay secure.

Cryptnos 1.3.3

Cryptnos 1.3.3 versione gratuita 3407 

Cryptnos combines a unique "site token" such as a website domain name with a master password and runs this data through a cryptographic hash algorithm to produce a password that is unique, lengthy, seemingly random yet completely repeatable.

Password Decryptor for Meebo 3.0

Password Decryptor for Meebo 3.0 versione gratuita 3407 

Meebo Messenger Password Recovery Software

4K-Crypt 2.21

4K-Crypt 2.21  3406 

Cryptoprotect utility "4K-Crypt" is simple program for encryption/decryption of any files. It is intended for zipping and providing confidentiality of stored or transmitted information. It uses library for encryption and digital signature according to ISO-8730 standard. After installing the program, "4K-Crypt" menu will be available from MS Windows explorer context menu. As a key for encryption of data, the program uses an 8-digit numeric code.

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Migliori Applicazioni per Software di sicurezza Dalla redazione

Iperius Backup 3.8.2

Iperius Backup 3.8.2

Iperius Backup è un software di backup free italiano, rilasciato anche in versione commerciale per chi necessita di funzioni di backup avanzate per la propria azienda. La versione freeware di Iperius Backup consente di fare il backup su qualsiasi dispositivo di archiviazione di massa, come NAS, dischi esterni USB, unità RDX, e computer in rete. Dispone di funzioni complete di schedulazione e di invio e-mail. Supporta la compressione zip senza limiti di dimensione, il backup incrementale, l’autenticazione in rete e l'esecuzione di script e programmi esterni.

Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2013

Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2013

Kaspersky Anti-Virus ti protegge dai siti di Phishing e Malware che altrimenti non sarebbe sai stavano tentando di rubare da voi. Allo stesso tempo, il Kaspersky Security Network consente al computer di relazione quando scopre una minaccia che non è stato visto prima. Tutti i 250 milioni di utenti di Kaspersky beneficio della nostra conoscenza! Kaspersky caratteristiche includono: protegge da virus, Trojan, worm, spyware, adware analizza i file, email e internet protegge Instant Messengers protegge da sconosciute minacce analizza il traffico e chiude le vulnerabilità di Internet Explorer Disabilita collegamenti a siti di malware / phishing sites monitoraggio globale minaccia (Kaspersky Security Network) blocchi tutti i tipi di keyloggers automatica Database aggiornamenti gratis supporto Nota tecnica: questa è una prova di 30 giorni commerciale.