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Software di sicurezza Scarica ora il software di sicurezza e applicazione gratuitamente. antivirus e antispyware
License Key Dump for Windows 7.0

License Key Dump for Windows 7.0 versione gratuita 3416 

Free Command-line based Windows Product Key Recovery Tool

R10Cipher 5.2.0

R10Cipher 5.2.0  3415 

R10Cipher basically takes text and encrypts it using up to 128 bit Blowfish encryption. This Cipher Text can then be copied into an email, saved as a file and attached to an email or just copied elsewhere and the recipient can use R10Cipher to open the file and view the encrypted contents, assuming they are in possession of the Shared Key that was used to encrypt the document in the first place.

SurveilStar Professional 1.2.4

SurveilStar Professional 1.2.4  3415 

SurveilStar Computer Monitoring Software is comprised of Agent, Server and Console. Agent is installed on the computers you need to monitor. Once installed, the agent will collect all the data and invisibly send all the data to the Server. Agent is also used to execute the commands and policies created by the Console.

SSL Certificate Store Viewer 4.0

SSL Certificate Store Viewer 4.0 versione gratuita 3415 

Free Tool to View SSL Certificates from System Store

Pidgin Password Decryptor 4.0

Pidgin Password Decryptor 4.0 versione gratuita 3415 

Pidgin Messenger Password Recovery Software

Multi One Password 1.2

Multi One Password 1.2  3415 

Multi One Password is a portable tool that allows you to generate multiple random passwords with one unique password! Almost all Password Managers are unsafe because most of them save users encryptedhashed passwords locally in the users computers or in the Cloud! The only safe Password Manager that does not store users encryptedhashed passwords neither locally in the users computers nor in the Cloud, is 'Multi One Password'!

CompactView 1.3.5

CompactView 1.3.5 versione gratuita 3414 

CompactView is a simplem, accessible and very easy-to-use tool that was designed specifically for viewing Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition (SQLCE) database files. Now you can make use of this handy tool to view and analyze all your database files in no time at all.

Portable Wise Disk Cleaner 10.2.8 B779

Portable Wise Disk Cleaner 10.2.8 B779 versione gratuita 3413 

Wise Disk Cleaner is a user friendly, fast and easy to use application developed to free up disk space by deleting junk files that are no longer used by any software on your system. Even the least experienced user can easily remove junk files with this tool. Your hard disk is littered with junk files you don't need, taking up precious hard disk space, and potentially slowing down your PC's performance.

PREDATOR Professional x64

PREDATOR Professional x64  3413 

PREDATOR Professional x64 locks your PC when you are away, even if your Windows session is still opened. It uses a regular USB flash drive as an access control device. It's easier and faster than closing your Windows session, since you do not have to retype your password when you return.

DiskMax 5.11

DiskMax 5.11 versione gratuita 3413 

With DiskMax, your system will be peppier, applications will launch faster, files will open quicker, games will run better, and so on. Running DiskMax from time to time is recommended to keep your system in shape.

Keylogger Gratuito

Keylogger Gratuito versione gratuita 3412 

Small, simple and functional, Free Keylogger for Windows monitors and records keystrokes on your PC. Free Keylogger is absolutely FREE, easy to install and run, and works on Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista and XP. Keystroke logging works in any language your computer supports and lets you capture text typed in any application or web page.

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Migliori Applicazioni per Software di sicurezza Dalla redazione

Iperius Backup 3.8.2

Iperius Backup 3.8.2

Iperius Backup è un software di backup free italiano, rilasciato anche in versione commerciale per chi necessita di funzioni di backup avanzate per la propria azienda. La versione freeware di Iperius Backup consente di fare il backup su qualsiasi dispositivo di archiviazione di massa, come NAS, dischi esterni USB, unità RDX, e computer in rete. Dispone di funzioni complete di schedulazione e di invio e-mail. Supporta la compressione zip senza limiti di dimensione, il backup incrementale, l’autenticazione in rete e l'esecuzione di script e programmi esterni.

Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2013

Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2013

Kaspersky Anti-Virus ti protegge dai siti di Phishing e Malware che altrimenti non sarebbe sai stavano tentando di rubare da voi. Allo stesso tempo, il Kaspersky Security Network consente al computer di relazione quando scopre una minaccia che non è stato visto prima. Tutti i 250 milioni di utenti di Kaspersky beneficio della nostra conoscenza! Kaspersky caratteristiche includono: protegge da virus, Trojan, worm, spyware, adware analizza i file, email e internet protegge Instant Messengers protegge da sconosciute minacce analizza il traffico e chiude le vulnerabilità di Internet Explorer Disabilita collegamenti a siti di malware / phishing sites monitoraggio globale minaccia (Kaspersky Security Network) blocchi tutti i tipi di keyloggers automatica Database aggiornamenti gratis supporto Nota tecnica: questa è una prova di 30 giorni commerciale.