Aggiunti di recente

Software di sicurezza Scarica ora il software di sicurezza e applicazione gratuitamente. antivirus e antispyware
Block Twitter 4.0

Block Twitter 4.0 versione gratuita 4044 

Free Tool to quickly Block or Unblock Twitter on Windows

AVG Internet Security 20.5.5410

AVG Internet Security 20.5.5410  4044 

High-performance protection for complete peace of mind when shopping and banking online. * Protection that actually speeds up your web experience for faster YouTube and video * Block hackers and stop identity thieves with AVG Firewall and AVG Identity Protection * Award winning Anti-Virus that just works with automatic updates to shield you from continually evolving threats

AVG Anti-Virus 2016 17.6.3029

AVG Anti-Virus 2016 17.6.3029  4044 

Brilliant protection for surfing, searching and social networking Anti-virus protection that automatically updates to protect you from continually evolving threats. As hackers develop new techniques, AVG’s research labs are constantly processing web data to provide new defenses to keep you automatically protected.

Autocomplete Spy for Firefox 2.0

Autocomplete Spy for Firefox 2.0 versione gratuita 4044 

Free Firefox Autocomplete Data Viewer Software

Lepide User Password Expiration Reminder 14.05.01

Lepide User Password Expiration Reminder 14.05.01  4044 

Lepide User Password Expiration Reminder (LUPER) works with least efforts and maximum precision. It tracks password status of all users on multiple domains and reminds the user to change password when it is about to expire. It works as a service and keeps tracking passwords even when the system is logged out.

IProxy Hide Ever

IProxy Hide Ever  4043 

IP Hider Ever is a professional software used to hide your IP address so that you can hide your internet traffic and the real location while surfing the web. This best IP hider software provides government-level safety protection, makes nobody know what you do on the internet. So you can surf wherever you want on the web without worrying about any of the information leaked.

My Lockbox 3.8.1

My Lockbox 3.8.1 versione gratuita 4042 

My Lockbox is a security software enabling you to protect folders on your computer. The protected folder is hidden and locked from any user and application of your system and also from the net. To access the protected folder you have to provide a valid password. The program comes with a set of fine skins. Download free edition of My Lockbox now and protect your folder.

EmailChecker5 2018

EmailChecker5 2018  4041 

This software is an utilitarian kid who permits via internet to interrogate the servers of messaging. He/it connects to the server of messaging, post the messages, and indicate to the user numbers it of messages. Very discreet, he/it gets settled as one icon in the rod of the tasks. International languages.

Junkware Removal Tool 8.1.4

Junkware Removal Tool 8.1.4 versione gratuita 4041 

Junkware Removal Tool is a security utility that searches for and removes common adware, toolbars, and potentially unwanted programs (PUPs) from your computer. A common tactics among freeware publishers is to offer their products for free, but bundle them with PUPs in order to earn revenue. This tool will help you remove these types of programs.

Grato 1.01

Grato 1.01 versione gratuita 4041 

Adware Removal, PC Optimization, Spyware Removal, Various pop-up ads Removal

WiFi Password Decryptor 13.0

WiFi Password Decryptor 13.0 versione gratuita 4041 

WiFi Password Decryptor reveals WiFi passwords hidden under asterisks, which are stored in the Windows Wireless Configuration Manger panel. It comes in handy if you have lost or forgotten the password that prevents you from connecting to the Internet.

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Migliori Applicazioni per Software di sicurezza Dalla redazione

Iperius Backup 3.8.2

Iperius Backup 3.8.2

Iperius Backup è un software di backup free italiano, rilasciato anche in versione commerciale per chi necessita di funzioni di backup avanzate per la propria azienda. La versione freeware di Iperius Backup consente di fare il backup su qualsiasi dispositivo di archiviazione di massa, come NAS, dischi esterni USB, unità RDX, e computer in rete. Dispone di funzioni complete di schedulazione e di invio e-mail. Supporta la compressione zip senza limiti di dimensione, il backup incrementale, l’autenticazione in rete e l'esecuzione di script e programmi esterni.

Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2013

Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2013

Kaspersky Anti-Virus ti protegge dai siti di Phishing e Malware che altrimenti non sarebbe sai stavano tentando di rubare da voi. Allo stesso tempo, il Kaspersky Security Network consente al computer di relazione quando scopre una minaccia che non è stato visto prima. Tutti i 250 milioni di utenti di Kaspersky beneficio della nostra conoscenza! Kaspersky caratteristiche includono: protegge da virus, Trojan, worm, spyware, adware analizza i file, email e internet protegge Instant Messengers protegge da sconosciute minacce analizza il traffico e chiude le vulnerabilità di Internet Explorer Disabilita collegamenti a siti di malware / phishing sites monitoraggio globale minaccia (Kaspersky Security Network) blocchi tutti i tipi di keyloggers automatica Database aggiornamenti gratis supporto Nota tecnica: questa è una prova di 30 giorni commerciale.