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Antivirus Download gratuito software Anti-virus... Scarica programmi di sicurezza e le applicazioni gratis
Clam Sentinel Portable 1.20

Clam Sentinel Portable 1.20 versione gratuita 3660 

Clam Sentinel Portable is a system tray application that detects file system changes and scans the files modified using ClamWin (require the installation of this antivirus). Also detects new drives added (like usb pen) and monitors these units until the program is closed or until the device is disconnected.

AMITI Antivirus 25.0.140

AMITI Antivirus 25.0.140  3658 

Effective and easy to use antivirus for your PC. Protects against viruses, trojans, worms and malware. Amiti Antivirus has built-in real-time memory shields, scheduling, multiple skin and translations support.

BullGuard Internet Security 20.0.381.0

BullGuard Internet Security 20.0.381.0  3656 

Complete internet security solution which protects you and your computer from online threats like identity theft, credit card fraud, hackers, spam, viruses and spyware. In addition, this software comes with 5 GB online backup that you can use to secure your most valuable documents.

Diyusof Antivirus 2014

Diyusof Antivirus 2014 versione gratuita 3654 

Diyusof Antivirus is a lightweight application that was especially designed to help you secure your system and remove viruses that may infect your computer. The program has 4 scanning modes, namely 'Full system scan', 'Quick Scan', 'Process Scan' and a folder scan where you manually select the directory that will be inspected.

Norton Internet Security

Norton Internet Security  3653 

Advanced Internet and antivirus protection for anywhere you go and anything you do online. * Provides proactive protection, so you can do what you want online, knowing you’re protected * Improved SONAR technology and live 24x7 global threat monitoring stay ahead of emerging threats * Ultra-fast Internet detection layer stops most threats before they can even reach your computer

VIPRE Internet Security 2013 6.0.5449

VIPRE Internet Security 2013 6.0.5449  3653 

VIPRE® Internet Security combines next-generation antivirus and anti-spyware technologies with a bi-directional firewall and spam and web filtering for all-in-one protection against malware. VIPRE was built from scratch with all-new technologies that optimize your PC’s overall performance — even when updating or running a scan.

Bitdefender USB Immunizer

Bitdefender USB Immunizer versione gratuita 3653 

Bitdefender USB Immunizer is a free and easy to use tool that helps make sure you transfer the files, not the viruses. It disables autorun-related threats before they access the computer. Once installed, it constantly watches for newly inserted USB storage devices and immunizes them on the fly.

Quick Heal Total Security 19.00

Quick Heal Total Security 19.00  3652 

For secure online banking, smooth Internet surfing, and robust protection for your PC. Safe Banking protects your financial data during online banking and shopping. Parental Control lets you manage and control Internet and computer access for your kids. Enhanced Malware Protection blocks spyware, adware, keyloggers, and other malware.

AVG Free Edition 2014 2014.4830

AVG Free Edition 2014 2014.4830 versione gratuita 3652 

AVG Free provides you with basic antivirus and antispyware protection for Windows and it is completely free. * Free protection against viruses and spyware (antivirus and antispyware) * Fast, effective security that is kind on resources * Compatible with Windows 7, Windows Vista and Windows XP

PyMal 1.0

PyMal 1.0 versione gratuita 3651 

PyMal is a python based interactive Malware Analysis Framework

McAfee AVERT Stinger

McAfee AVERT Stinger versione gratuita 3650 

Stinger is a stand-alone utility used to detect and remove specific viruses. It is not a substitute for full anti-virus protection, but rather a tool to assist administrators and users when dealing with an infected system. Stinger utilizes next generation scan engine technology, including process scanning, digitally signed DAT files, and scan performance optimizations.

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Migliori Applicazioni per Antivirus Dalla redazione

Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2013

Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2013

Kaspersky Anti-Virus ti protegge dai siti di Phishing e Malware che altrimenti non sarebbe sai stavano tentando di rubare da voi. Allo stesso tempo, il Kaspersky Security Network consente al computer di relazione quando scopre una minaccia che non è stato visto prima. Tutti i 250 milioni di utenti di Kaspersky beneficio della nostra conoscenza! Kaspersky caratteristiche includono: protegge da virus, Trojan, worm, spyware, adware analizza i file, email e internet protegge Instant Messengers protegge da sconosciute minacce analizza il traffico e chiude le vulnerabilità di Internet Explorer Disabilita collegamenti a siti di malware / phishing sites monitoraggio globale minaccia (Kaspersky Security Network) blocchi tutti i tipi di keyloggers automatica Database aggiornamenti gratis supporto Nota tecnica: questa è una prova di 30 giorni commerciale.