Aggiunti di recente

AVG-PC Tuneup 2014 2014.519

AVG-PC Tuneup 2014 2014.519  3551 

Restore your PC to peak performance Speeds up your PC, cleans your hard drive and eliminates freezing and crashing. Boost your Internet speed Fine tune your PC’s Internet settings to maximize your speed online. Internet Optimizer Internet Optimizer evaluates your PC’s Internet connection settings such as Max MTU and RWIN then tweaks them to increase connection speed and decrease la ...

SoundTrackComposer 1.1.0

SoundTrackComposer 1.1.0  3551 

SoundTrackComposer is the soundtrack-making software with everything you need to create soundtrack for your next movie. It is both step sequencer, VST-host and music notation software. The program can automatically generate instrument melody, chord progression and bass line. It can also load drum beats from the drum beats library. SoundTrackComposer contains even a music notation module and a built-in text editor.

MidiYodi 2020.1

MidiYodi 2020.1  3551 

MidiYodi is a professional software designed to allow the examination, playback and modifications to MIDI files. It scans entire folders for MIDI files and displays information such as available instruments, song duration, tempo, key and time signatures for each file prior to selecting a specific file for detailed examination in the main view.

Read4Me 0.6.2

Read4Me 0.6.2 versione gratuita 3551 

Read4Me is a tool that allows your computer to read the contents of the clipboard. This is done with the use of a pre-installed TTS voice when a hotkey is pressed. You can set multiple hotkeys for multiple languages, voices, speech rates and volumes. The softwapre can also convert text files to MP3s.

DVD Audio Files Splitter 2.0

DVD Audio Files Splitter 2.0 versione gratuita 3551 

DVD Audio Files Splitter is a software designed for dividing an Audio file into smaller files according to the user-specified time intervals. DVD Audio Files Splitter deals with DVD-compliant Audio file formats. Those formats are: AC3, DTS, WAV (PCM), MPA. There are two main modes in the software: “Cut every file from list” and “Merge all files before processing”.

iCoolsoft Mobile Phone Video Converter 3.1.12

iCoolsoft Mobile Phone Video Converter 3.1.12  3551 

iCoolsoft Mobile Phone Video Converter, the most useful converter for mobile phone users, can help you to convert files to the formats supported by mobile phones with high quality and fast speed. It supports inputting almost all popular video formats, such as, MP4, AVI, WMV, FLV, VOB, DivX, MOV, TS, MOD, TOD, etc. In addition, you can use it to convert files for any model of mobile phone in the market right now.

FreeVimager 9.9.12

FreeVimager 9.9.12 versione gratuita 3551 

A Free Image Viewer & Editor. It can as well play avi video files and some type of audio files. There are many tools around doing that, but the aim of this Freeware is to be a small and handy tool doing what it says and running also as a standalone exe file. IPTC & XMP single file / batch editing support for jpeg and tiff files. Batch Processing and CD / DVD Slideshow creation. Print Preview with image positioning by dragging.

MOV To AVI Converter Software 7.0

MOV To AVI Converter Software 7.0  3551 

This software offers a solution to users who want to convert one or more MOV files into AVI format. The user chooses the files or an entire folder to be processed before starting the conversion. Using this time saving software, even large numbers of files can be handled with one click.

Kryptel 8.2.5

Kryptel 8.2.5  3550 

Kryptel is a drag-and-drop file encryption program, providing easy-to-use and secure data protection. The program is a one-click solution and can process any number of files or folders in a single operation. Kryptel includes a tool for creating encrypted backups and can be run in unattended batch mode. The package contains an integrated file shredder for secure deletion of sensitive data.

History Spy for Safari 1.0

History Spy for Safari 1.0 versione gratuita 3550 

History Spy for Safari is the free software to easily view or delete website browsing history from Safari browser.

Secure Random Password Generator 2.1

Secure Random Password Generator 2.1  3550 

Secure Password Generator is a lightweight and very fast software program that will help you create strong passwords containing mixed-case characters and numbers. The utility allows creating passwords of any length. The general rule is: the longer, the stronger. Secure Password Generator runs on all versions of Windows including but not limited to Windows 7 and Windows Vista, both 32-bit and 64-bit.

Migliori Applicazioni per Windows Dalla redazione

GOM Media Player 2,2,71,5231

GOM Media Player 2,2,71,5231

GOM Media Player il lettore multimediale unico devi - gratis! Non solo è GOM Media Player un video player completamente gratuito, con il supporto integrato per tutti i più popolari formati video e Media Player, tonnellate di caratteristiche avanzate, possibilità di personalizzazione estrema, e il servizio di ricerca di Codec, GOM Media Player è sicuro di soddisfare tutte le vostre esigenze di riproduzione. Con milioni di utenti in centinaia di paesi, GOM Media Player è uno dei riproduttori video più popolari del mondo. Che cosa è nuovo: Caratteristica aggiunto "Touch Setting" per dispositivi touch screen. Caratteristica aggiunta di "Casella di ricerca" sulla playlist. (Ctrl + F) Supportato "URL HTTPS" per youtube o riproduzione radio netto. (Ctrl + U) Aggiunto "Musica tocca" su preferenze legate alla riproduzione di file musicali. Miglioramento delle prestazioni legata alla "velocità di Aggiungi & Elimina" dei file su playlist. Altre correzioni di varie, correzioni e modifiche

Iperius Backup 3.8.2

Iperius Backup 3.8.2

Iperius Backup è un software di backup free italiano, rilasciato anche in versione commerciale per chi necessita di funzioni di backup avanzate per la propria azienda. La versione freeware di Iperius Backup consente di fare il backup su qualsiasi dispositivo di archiviazione di massa, come NAS, dischi esterni USB, unità RDX, e computer in rete. Dispone di funzioni complete di schedulazione e di invio e-mail. Supporta la compressione zip senza limiti di dimensione, il backup incrementale, l’autenticazione in rete e l'esecuzione di script e programmi esterni.



MaryFi è un router software gratuito e facile da usare per i computer Windows 7, 8 e 8.1. Con Maryfi, gli utenti possono in modalità wireless condividere qualsiasi connessione Internet come ad esempio: un modem via cavo, una scheda di cellulare o anche un'altra rete Wi-Fi. Altri dispositivi Wi-Fi abilitato, compresi i computer portatili, smartphone, lettori musicali e sistemi di gioco può vedere e unire il tuo hotspot Maryfi appena come qualunque altro punto di accesso Wi-Fi e sono tenuti sicuro e protetto da crittografia WPA2 protetto da password.