Aggiunti di recente

Free File Wiper 1.91

Free File Wiper 1.91 versione gratuita 3558 

Free File Wiper is a small, easy to use application specially designed to help you delete files securely. Just drag and drop directories and files on the trashcan and the software will erase them completely. The files will be overwritten with standard and random patterns. After the wipe, the files cannot be undeleted and restored.

Advanced-PasswordManager 4.0

Advanced-PasswordManager 4.0  3558 

Advanced-PasswordManager is a secure password management software that stores all your passwords in an encrypted vault protected by one master password. It removes identity traces from your PC after saving them to encrypted vault. You can auto fill web forms using your saved details. Free download Advanced-PasswordManager and protect your passwords, social security number, personal and credit card details from identity theft and fraud.

Helium Music Streamer 4.1.1 B1372

Helium Music Streamer 4.1.1 B1372  3558 

The Helium Music Streamer works in conjunction with the free Helium Music Manager software to enable streaming of your own music library to anywhere where an internet connection and a web browser is available.

FreeVimager 9.9.12

FreeVimager 9.9.12 versione gratuita 3558 

A Free Image Viewer & Editor. It can as well play avi video files and some type of audio files. There are many tools around doing that, but the aim of this Freeware is to be a small and handy tool doing what it says and running also as a standalone exe file. IPTC & XMP single file / batch editing support for jpeg and tiff files. Batch Processing and CD / DVD Slideshow creation. Print Preview with image positioning by dragging.

Kryptel 8.2.5

Kryptel 8.2.5  3557 

Kryptel is a drag-and-drop file encryption program, providing easy-to-use and secure data protection. The program is a one-click solution and can process any number of files or folders in a single operation. Kryptel includes a tool for creating encrypted backups and can be run in unattended batch mode. The package contains an integrated file shredder for secure deletion of sensitive data.

History Spy for Safari 1.0

History Spy for Safari 1.0 versione gratuita 3557 

History Spy for Safari is the free software to easily view or delete website browsing history from Safari browser.

AVG-PC Tuneup 2014 2014.519

AVG-PC Tuneup 2014 2014.519  3557 

Restore your PC to peak performance Speeds up your PC, cleans your hard drive and eliminates freezing and crashing. Boost your Internet speed Fine tune your PC’s Internet settings to maximize your speed online. Internet Optimizer Internet Optimizer evaluates your PC’s Internet connection settings such as Max MTU and RWIN then tweaks them to increase connection speed and decrease la ...

TuneClone Audio Converter 2.20

TuneClone Audio Converter 2.20  3557 

TuneClone Audio Converter is a very easy to use software that convert iTunes M4P, WMA music files to plain MP3,It helps you easily convert DRM protected music and various audio files to unprotected MP3, WMA and other MP3 player file formats at high speed and CD quality. TuneClone let your remove DRM protection from purchased music files with a few clicks by using a virtual cd burning approach.

Sprintbit Playlist Manager 7.6

Sprintbit Playlist Manager 7.6  3557 

Playlist Manager is a powerful playlist creator, manager with multimedia players. You can fast and easy create playlist in formats: M3U ASX WAX WVX WMX WPL B4S PPL SMP PLS XSPF ZPL PLA. You can create playback lists for bookmarks and scheduling systems. It includes Playback Statistic, Playlists Converter, Direct Playlist Creator, Playlists Database, Internet Radio and File Searcher. All major audio and video files are supported.

Soundslides Plus 3.0

Soundslides Plus 3.0  3557 

Soundslides allows storytellers to concentrate on the story, rather than the application. Created for journalists and other storytellers on deadline, Soundslides is designed to help you create a slide show a piece of cake. Soundslides operates in a single window on your Windows or Mac OS X computer, with a straightforward interface that leads you through importing your images and audio. Editing tools are familiar and behave the way you'd expect.

Read4Me 0.6.2

Read4Me 0.6.2 versione gratuita 3557 

Read4Me is a tool that allows your computer to read the contents of the clipboard. This is done with the use of a pre-installed TTS voice when a hotkey is pressed. You can set multiple hotkeys for multiple languages, voices, speech rates and volumes. The softwapre can also convert text files to MP3s.

Migliori Applicazioni per Windows Dalla redazione

GOM Media Player 2,2,71,5231

GOM Media Player 2,2,71,5231

GOM Media Player il lettore multimediale unico devi - gratis! Non solo è GOM Media Player un video player completamente gratuito, con il supporto integrato per tutti i più popolari formati video e Media Player, tonnellate di caratteristiche avanzate, possibilità di personalizzazione estrema, e il servizio di ricerca di Codec, GOM Media Player è sicuro di soddisfare tutte le vostre esigenze di riproduzione. Con milioni di utenti in centinaia di paesi, GOM Media Player è uno dei riproduttori video più popolari del mondo. Che cosa è nuovo: Caratteristica aggiunto "Touch Setting" per dispositivi touch screen. Caratteristica aggiunta di "Casella di ricerca" sulla playlist. (Ctrl + F) Supportato "URL HTTPS" per youtube o riproduzione radio netto. (Ctrl + U) Aggiunto "Musica tocca" su preferenze legate alla riproduzione di file musicali. Miglioramento delle prestazioni legata alla "velocità di Aggiungi & Elimina" dei file su playlist. Altre correzioni di varie, correzioni e modifiche

Iperius Backup 3.8.2

Iperius Backup 3.8.2

Iperius Backup è un software di backup free italiano, rilasciato anche in versione commerciale per chi necessita di funzioni di backup avanzate per la propria azienda. La versione freeware di Iperius Backup consente di fare il backup su qualsiasi dispositivo di archiviazione di massa, come NAS, dischi esterni USB, unità RDX, e computer in rete. Dispone di funzioni complete di schedulazione e di invio e-mail. Supporta la compressione zip senza limiti di dimensione, il backup incrementale, l’autenticazione in rete e l'esecuzione di script e programmi esterni.



MaryFi è un router software gratuito e facile da usare per i computer Windows 7, 8 e 8.1. Con Maryfi, gli utenti possono in modalità wireless condividere qualsiasi connessione Internet come ad esempio: un modem via cavo, una scheda di cellulare o anche un'altra rete Wi-Fi. Altri dispositivi Wi-Fi abilitato, compresi i computer portatili, smartphone, lettori musicali e sistemi di gioco può vedere e unire il tuo hotspot Maryfi appena come qualunque altro punto di accesso Wi-Fi e sono tenuti sicuro e protetto da crittografia WPA2 protetto da password.