Aggiunti di recente

BestSoft MPG Converter 1.0.6

BestSoft MPG Converter 1.0.6  3564 

BestSoft MPG Converter is is powerful and easy-to-use video converter software which helps you convert avi to MPG, MP4 to MPG, etc. It supports video formats including AVI, MOV, MPEG4, WMV, 3GP, MEPG1 and MPEG2. It can convert any video file to MPG. The software supports a lot of video and audio codec, such as MPEG4 and WMV.

SPlayer 4.9.1

SPlayer 4.9.1 versione gratuita 3564 

SPlayer is a simple and yet practical media player, which supports all the popular media formats, including DVDRip, HDTV, RMVB, QuickTime, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, AC3/DTS, VP3/6/7, Indeo, XVD, OGG/OGM, APE, FLAC, TTA, AAC, MPC, 3GP/AMR, and subtitles. SPlayer is a media player thar supports most popular formats, including AVI, MP3, WMV, 3GP, OGG, VOB and MKV.

Pazera Free MP4 Video Converter 1.2

Pazera Free MP4 Video Converter 1.2 versione gratuita 3564 

Pazera Free MP4 Video Converter is an absolutely free program that converts video and audio files to MP4 format. For encoding the video stream the application can use efficient video encoders: H.264, H.265, or the old generation, but still popular Xvid encoder. MP4 files created by the program can be played on the modern portable players (iPhone, iPad, Samsung Galaxy, PSP) and fixed media players (WD TV, Xtreamer, Popcorn Hour, etc.).

Password Agent Lite 2019.6.28

Password Agent Lite 2019.6.28  3563 

Password Agent Lite is a useful and easy to use application designed to store all your sensitive data such as passwords, PIN codes, credit card numbers is a secure database. You'll only need to remember one master password that gives access to the database.

Random FLAC Player Software 7.0

Random FLAC Player Software 7.0  3563 

This software offers a solution to users who want to play a playlist of FLAC files at random. The user simply adds the FLAC files or an entire folder to be played. The interface is simplified with a play, stop and pause button.

DJ Mixer Express for Windows 5.8.3

DJ Mixer Express for Windows 5.8.3  3563 

DJ Mixer Express for windows is an easy to use DJ mixing software for beginners and DJ pros, It has an easy-to-use graphical interface that lets you automate common tasks like beat mixing, automatic beat and tempo detection, seamless looping, automatic-gain, master-tempo, vinyl simulation, mix any songs and video from iTunes, record mixes, as well as multiple effects. Seamlessly mix audio, video and karaoke with ease.


SynthFont  3563 

SynthFont is a program for playing midi files using SoundFonts. A midi file is different from - for instance - a MP3 file in that the file does not contain any audio data. The file is a collection of notes and instructions for how to play them. SynthFont combines this data with the audio data in a SoundFont to produce ("render") an audio version of the song.

Blue Cat's Phaser 3.3

Blue Cat's Phaser 3.3 versione gratuita 3563 

Modeled after vintage analog phaser circuits, Blue Cat's Phaser reproduces this old vintage phasing effect that you can find on so many recordings, but with the precision of modern digital processing techniques. You can choose to apply up to 32 phasing stages, pushing the model to its limits, or create a subtle phasing effect with wet and feedback parameters set to a few percents.

FlashPoint Pro 3.50

FlashPoint Pro 3.50  3563 

FlashPoint Pro is a powerful PowerPoint to flash converter that help you create professional-look flash presentations and e-learning courses with PowerPoint knowledge. It will retain original PowerPoint animations, slide transitions, timings, callouts, and shapes; and preserve narration, sound. Supports PowerPoint 2010 now.


WOL-PowerManager versione gratuita 3563 

The WOL-PowerManager plugin, allows you to specify diffrent computers in your network that will automatically be woken-up over LAN when you enter a predefined plugin-window in Mediaportal. If you have stored your movies, series, music or other files on a NAS or server, WOL-PowerManager will give you a fully automatic opportunity to awake your network storage if needed and turn it into standby when it will not be used.

idoo Private Encryption 2.2

idoo Private Encryption 2.2  3562 

idoo Private Disk Encryption provides various solutions for your data security on different devices. It can easily encrypt USB memories, HDD, SD cards and other storage devices. By creating an encrypted virtual hard drive on the storage device, you can save and read any file quickly.

Migliori Applicazioni per Windows Dalla redazione

GOM Media Player 2,2,71,5231

GOM Media Player 2,2,71,5231

GOM Media Player il lettore multimediale unico devi - gratis! Non solo è GOM Media Player un video player completamente gratuito, con il supporto integrato per tutti i più popolari formati video e Media Player, tonnellate di caratteristiche avanzate, possibilità di personalizzazione estrema, e il servizio di ricerca di Codec, GOM Media Player è sicuro di soddisfare tutte le vostre esigenze di riproduzione. Con milioni di utenti in centinaia di paesi, GOM Media Player è uno dei riproduttori video più popolari del mondo. Che cosa è nuovo: Caratteristica aggiunto "Touch Setting" per dispositivi touch screen. Caratteristica aggiunta di "Casella di ricerca" sulla playlist. (Ctrl + F) Supportato "URL HTTPS" per youtube o riproduzione radio netto. (Ctrl + U) Aggiunto "Musica tocca" su preferenze legate alla riproduzione di file musicali. Miglioramento delle prestazioni legata alla "velocità di Aggiungi & Elimina" dei file su playlist. Altre correzioni di varie, correzioni e modifiche

Iperius Backup 3.8.2

Iperius Backup 3.8.2

Iperius Backup è un software di backup free italiano, rilasciato anche in versione commerciale per chi necessita di funzioni di backup avanzate per la propria azienda. La versione freeware di Iperius Backup consente di fare il backup su qualsiasi dispositivo di archiviazione di massa, come NAS, dischi esterni USB, unità RDX, e computer in rete. Dispone di funzioni complete di schedulazione e di invio e-mail. Supporta la compressione zip senza limiti di dimensione, il backup incrementale, l’autenticazione in rete e l'esecuzione di script e programmi esterni.



MaryFi è un router software gratuito e facile da usare per i computer Windows 7, 8 e 8.1. Con Maryfi, gli utenti possono in modalità wireless condividere qualsiasi connessione Internet come ad esempio: un modem via cavo, una scheda di cellulare o anche un'altra rete Wi-Fi. Altri dispositivi Wi-Fi abilitato, compresi i computer portatili, smartphone, lettori musicali e sistemi di gioco può vedere e unire il tuo hotspot Maryfi appena come qualunque altro punto di accesso Wi-Fi e sono tenuti sicuro e protetto da crittografia WPA2 protetto da password.